Mar 05, 2018
Embedded World Conference 2018 – Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics representing the TU Dresden with the Contribution „Predictive maintenance using a fully compound material integrated measuring system“.
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Sven Grunwald, Lehrstuhls Fahrzeugmechatronik (links) und John Leonard, Product Marketing Manager Nordic Semiconductor (rechts)
The Embedded World Conference 2018 took place from February 27th till March 1st in Nürnberg. Focus of the conference was "Embedded Goes Autonomous”.
The program included the following clusters:
- Internet of Things (IoT),
- Embedded Vision,
- Autonomous Systems,
- Security & Safety,
- Embedded Operating Systems (OS),
- Hardware Engineering,
- Software & Systems Engineering.
One main topic has been the protection of interconnected, embedded systems into the Internet of Things (IoT). Central questions have been: What measures can safeguard critical infrastructures? What are critical infrastructures and applications? What measures can be adapted to uncritical applications?
The Chair was represented by Dipl.-Ing. Sven Grunwald with a successful conference contribution with the title „Predictive maintenance using a fully compound material integrated measuring system“, which lead to interesting expert discussions and cooperation approaches.
Additional information can be found in the current edition of ULP Wireless Quarter Winter 2017.