The Chair
In this section you can learn more about the Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics in general. Besides current events and dates at the chair, the staff uses the opportunity to intoduce itself. Additionally, you get information about the locations of the chair. Finally, you can find the general contact information and current job offers.
Short Profile of the Chair
The tasks of a chair are teaching and research, as well as safeguarding the knowledge transfer between these two main tasks. The Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics administers to these tasks in the domain of current and future oriniented vehicles and vehicle concepts.
Concerning our research, the chair is proud to undertake a large number of industry cooperations, as well as to be part of multiple public funded research projects. The projects realized in this context concentrate on the topics:
- Vehicle energy and information management
- Electric/Electronic-Architectures with functional orientation
- Mechatronic driver assistance and active safety systems in the vehicle
- Diagnosis and advanced system testing of e/e-systems
- Production suitable mechatronic vehicle design
More information to the research topics can be found in the section Research. Also, the chair delightfully participates in scientific exchange programs and can regularly welcome international researchers and exchange students in Dresden. Thus, the chair can profit from a productive and dynamic international cooperation. This is evidenced by the more than 150 scientific publications. A full bibliography can be found in the section Publications.
The chair is constantly eager to sustainably preserve the experiences gained in the scope of its research. This is also done by a transfer of knowledge into the lectures. The chair offers six lectures with the topics:
- Diagnosis in mechatronic vehicle systems
- Energy management and operations strategies for mobile and stationary energy systems
- Development of mechatronic systems
- Embedded controller
- Vehicle electronics
- Serial bus systems
Beyond the lectures and affiliated theoretical and practical exercises, students are actively involved in current research projects in the scope of diploma and student theses, which enforces the mutual transfer of research and lecture knowledge. This is evidenced by several hundred successfully finished student theses at the chair. Additionally, the chair offers the possibility of participating in a colloquium to its industry partners and thus the opporunity to present and discuss the latest results of research and development with the student body. More information on our lectures can be found in the section Studies.
Furthermore, the chair is delighted to be able to offer a stage for scientific publication and discussion with its own conference "Diagnosis in Mechatronic Vehicle Systems", which is performed for more than ten years by now and which attracts more than 100 participants annually. More details on the conference can be found on its own homepage.