Automobile Engineering 1 (KFZ 1) - Components and Subsystems
Automobile Engineering 1 includes the basic knowledge of the vehicle components. The lectures present the most important components and assemblies as well as the basic characteristics of the vehicle.
In order to understand the classification of the different systems, their function is described and their position in the development process is explained. In the first two lectures, the characteristics and requirements for the different systems are determined based on vehicle concepts and package requirements.
In addition to the technical aspects, the lecture considers the most important control unit in the vehicle - the driver. The focus is on the tasks and characteristics of the driver. From this, the requirements for vehicle functions and the installation space are derived.
In order to introduce the most important components and sub-vehicle systems in the chassis, the functions of the tire, the steering, the brakes and the axes in function and design are described in more detail. It follows the architecture of the powertrain. The lecture of combustion engines teaches further aspects of the powertrain.
The increasing number of electrics and electronics in motor vehicles is fundamentally and functionally taken into account in a lecture. Finally, the properties and requirements of the vehicle body complete the lecture.
In addition, Automobile Engineering 2 (KFZ 2) – Full Vehicle Functions build on the learned basics of Automobile Engineering 1 and deepens the knowledge. The lecture Automobile Engineering 3 (KFZ 3) –Development, Design and Validation introduces the entire development process.
- Winter semester
- 2 SWS lectures
- 1 SWS practical courses
- Examination 120 min
Teaching material regarding this course as well as jobs for research projects and the opportunity to apply for the lecture and the training courses can be looked up at our website on the educational online platform ‘OPAL’.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have:
Research Associate
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Rico Zimmermann
Project Manager SML and Research field Caravans
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Visiting address:
Jante-Bau, JAN 35c George-Bähr-Straße 1b
01069 Dresden