Apr 08, 2016
Idea: Study on Reconstruction Technology --- Microcomputer-Based Interlocking without Long-term Full Closure
Changes of microcomputer-based interlocking (following substituted as "ESTW" in German terminology) result in serious negative influence on operation, i.e. full closure. The change of software in ESTW affects large areas such as joint of railway tracks, railway lines, leading to greater efforts and loss of comfort for the end customers, for instance in Leipzig and Erfurt railway stations. Are there any alternative solutions to this long-term full closure?
Proposed Approaches
- Analyse the given situation und determine the main reasons. Provide data of the last two years published by the DB Netz on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur concerning construction site, type of ESTW, duration of closure .
- Calculate the costs of operating complications and the costs of railway undertaking companies.
- Analyse the data of full closures choosed.
- Suggest technical and organisational methods to shorten operational shutdown periods during reconstruction and construction of ESTW.
- Holistic approach to cost management: optimum solutions for railway infrastructure companies and railway transport companies.
In cooperation with CERSS Competence Centre for Railway Safety Technology
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Hoefert
Telephone: +49 351 647 501 22
E-Mail: Christoph.Hoefert@cress.com
Web: http://cerss.com/