Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo J. Becker
Udo J. Becker
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Professor, Emeritus
1977 – 1983 Studies of Industrial Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.)
1983 – 1984 Fulbright grant: Academic year as graduate student (M.-Sc.) in Civil and Industrial Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus (OH), USA
1984 – 1990 Research associate, Institute of Transport, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
1988 Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) at Karlruhe Institute of Technology, Section of Civil and Measurement Engineering, Karlruhe Institute of Technology, Topic: Observation of Road Traffic by Airplane – Characteristics, Calculation, and Use of Transport Figures
1990 – 1994 Project manager in the field of transport at Prognos AG, Basel, Switzerland
1992 – 1999 Lecturer on Transport Economics at the Centre of Economics at Basel University, Switzerland
1994 - 2021 Professor of Transport Ecology at Technische Universität Dresden
2021 - 2024 Senior Professor of Transport Ecology at Technische Universität Dresden
1996 Foundation member of the Dresden Institute of Transport and Environment
2007 - 2014 Member of the Sustainable Development Board of the German Bundesland Brandenburg in 2 election periods
Key area of interest is the definition and implementation of a clear path towards Sustainable Devlopment in transportation: To guarantee access to destinations and mobility for all living and future generations, This objective needs to be established with less costs, less resources, less pollution, less accidents, less area consumption, less noise ... less traffic!
The Dresden Declaration for a complete turnaround in transportation can be found at and describes the ten key requirements for this path ahead of us.
Lectures and teachings are offered within courses for Sustainable Development in transport at different levels and times or at the
"UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Training Programme on Environmental Management for Developing and Emerging Countries"
at the CIPSEm centre of TU Dresden.
In addition to that Prof. Becker teaches regularly in trainings for Sustainable Mobility Management for cities and communities.
A complete list of presentations of Prof. Dr. Becker can be provided on request. Please contact the chair of transport ecology for this.
An overview of all the Chair's publications can be found at the Chair's research page.
Essential definitions and approaches towards sustainable transport development can be found in
BECKER, U. (2016): Grundwissen Verkehrsökologie – Grundlagen, Handlungsfelder und Maßnahmen für die Verkehrswende, oekom Verlag München, ISBN 978-3-86581-775-4
Dresdner Institut für Umwelt und Verkehr (DIVU) e.V. (Dresden Institute of Transport and Environment