Sep 23, 2024
Three Publications and Best Paper Award at Leading AI Conference (PPSN 2024)
Lennart Schäpermeier, Konstantin Dietrich, Jonathan Heins and Pascal Kerschke spent the last few days in beautiful Upper Austria to attend this year's edition of the "International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature" (PPSN), one of the world's premier conferences in the field of evolutionary computation.
Despite all the problems caused by the heavy rain in Austria last week, most of the registered participants managed to attend this 5-day event and were thus able to take inspiration from the 16 offered tutorials and about 100 poster presentations -- according to the PPSN tradition all accepted peer-reviewed publications are presented as posters. In addition, four workshops provided a platform for discussing recent trends in the field.
Our group contributed to the conference in various ways. We co-organized two of the four workshops and presented the results of three publications:
- Lennart Schäpermeier and Pascal Kerschke: "Reinvestigating the R2 Indicator: Achieving Pareto Compliance By Integration" (arXiv version, official version)
- Konstantin Dietrich, Raphael Prager, Carola Doerr and Heike Trautmann: "Hybridizing Target- and SHAP-encoded Features for Algorithm Selection in Mixed-variable Black-box Optimization" (arXiv version, official version)
- Jonathan Heins, Lennart Schäpermeier, Pascal Kerschke and Darrell Whitley: "Dancing to the State of the Art? How Candidate Lists Influence LKH for Solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem" (arXiv version, official version)
In addition, Lennart Schäpermeier served as session chair for one of the eight poster sessions.
Wednesday marked the end of this wonderful event, which has been concluded with a very pleasant surprise. During the conference's closing session, it was announced that the paper "Reinvestigating the R2 Indicator: Achieving Pareto Compliance By Integration" by Lennart Schäpermeier and Pascal Kerschke was awarded the best paper award! 🥳 (PPSN2024@X)
Thank you to everyone who made PPSN such a great event, and of course thanks a lot to our wonderful co-authors and co-organizers! We are already looking forward to the next opportunities to work together and of course to the next conferences! 🤗🤓