Jun 27, 2021
GECCO 2021
Our group will actively participate in and contribute to one of the most prestigious international conferences in the field of evolutionary computation: the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2021).
Lennart Schäpermeier has successfully applied for a place in the conference-accompanying 2-week SIGEVO summer school, where he will learn "general skills needed by GECCO researchers" and also gain "in-depth knowledge of specific topics within GECCO".
Meanwhile, Pascal Kerschke is co-organizing the workshop on "Good Benchmarking Practices for Evolutionary Computation". Within this workshop (which is part of a workshop series initiated in 2019 and coordinated by the Benchmarking Network),
- Bernhard Sendhoff (Honda Research Institute Europe) will give a talk on "Relevance of Benchmarking for Industry",
- Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University) and Gusz Eiben (VU Amsterdam) will present their view on "Benchmarking in Robotics",
- Jürgen Branke (University of Warwick), Manuel López-Ibáñez (University of Málaga and University of Manchester) and Luís Paquete (University of Coimbra) invite you to a panel discussion on "Reproducibility in Evolutionary Computation: How are we doing and how can we do better?"
More towards the end of the conference, together with his former mentor and co-author Mike Preuss (Leiden University), Pascal Kerschke will give the talk "(A Brief Look at) The Evolution of Exploratory Landscape Analysis". In their talk, the two former colleagues will present a retrospective of the last 10 years of research on Exploratory Landscape Analysis (ELA), a research stream that was officially initiated 10 years ago at GECCO with the paper "Exploratory Landscape Analysis" by Olaf Mersmann, Bernd Bischl, Heike Trautmann, Mike Preuss, Claus Weihs and Günter Rudolph, and in which Pascal Kerschke has been one of the most active researchers worldwide in recent years.