About us
Research and teaching in the field of transportation economics have a long tradition in the city of Dresden. The study of Transport Economics and Business began in 1949 at the Faculty of Economics and Transportation of the former TH Dresden. After German unification, the Institute of Transport and Economics (ITE) was founded as part of the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the TU Dresden in 1992.
The ITE is specializing in mainly quantitative research related to economics and business issues in transportation, such as transport policy, the link between transportation and the spatial structure of the society and the economy, user-related services, the role of telecommunication in providing transport services, logistic chains, operations research, specific problems in transport modeling, transport mode choice, transportation, and environmental issues or congestion. The specialization of the Institute’s research is the application of quantitative methods such as statistics, econometrics, numeric spatial joint transport and economic modeling, microscopic transport modeling, linear programming and OR methods, choice experiments, and surveys. Specific strength is the close link to transportation engineering and planning within the Faculty. The ITE is going to add expertise in big data analytics soon. The Institute is hosting a German-speaking Bachelor's program and a new English-speaking and Master's program in Transportation Economics.