Oct 17, 2022
Conference on Reinforcement Learning 2022

Conference on Reinforcement Learning 2022, Dresden.
On September 15-16, 2022, the Conference on Reinforcement Learning was held in Dresden. It was hosted by the Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector, on behalf of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science, TU Dresden.
The two days conference was attended by more than 75 participants, this conference has brought together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industries in the field of Reinforcement Learning.
Keynote speakers for the conference were Matthieu Geist, Jan Peters, Marcello Restelli, Frederik Schulte, Kaushik Subramanian and Richard Sutton. Total 20 speakers had presented their experience, recent innovations in various topics on Reinforcement Learning. The details about speakers and topics can be found at: Talks
On the first day evening participants have enjoyed Dresden-city guided tour followed by traditional Saxonian dinner.

Talk by Prof. Richard Sutton

Talk by Prof. Jan Peters