Table of contents
The Dresden Chair of Automobile Engineering hosts the LKT-Colloquium. Therefore, we regularly invite lecturers from industry and economy to discuss the latest challenges, developments or standards of their field. Thus, not only the students of the Technische Universität Dresden, but also interested people from the region are offered the opportunity to inform themselves about currend topics in the automobile industry and to participate in exciting discussions with the lecturers.
The LKT-Colloquium takes place during the lecutres of the winter and summer semster on Wednesdays from 16:40 to 18:10 at different places at the TU Dresden. We announce the specific dates via our Dates site.
We are pleased to answer any questions:

Ms Birgitt Prokop
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Jante-Bau, JAN 22 George-Bähr-Straße 1b
01069 Dresden