Feb 02, 2022
Congratulation to the successfull dissertation of Christoph Zöphel
With his disputation, Christoph Zöphel has very successfully reached the last milestone in his doctoral process. In addition to the dissertation (book project) on the topic "Flexibility Options in Energy Systems - The Influence of Wind - PV ratios and sector coupling on optimal combinations of flexible technologies in a European electricity system", numerous publications have emerged from his time at the professorship for energy economics and the Boysen-TUD-research training group:
- Steffi Misconel, Christoph Zöphel, Dominik Möst: Assessing the value of demand response in a decarbonized energy system–A large-scale model application, Applied Energy, October 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117326
- Zipf, M.; Kumar, S.; Scharf, H.; Zöphel, C.; Dierstein, C.; Möst, D. Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing-An Open Source GIS-Based Approach. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 316
- Kumar, S.; Zöphel, C.; Martius, A.; Cabadag, R.; Plewnia, F.; Pruditsch, N.; Sakowski, B.; Möst, D.: Stronger together-A framework for measuring interdisciplinary understanding, Journal of Energy and Environment, 2019
Zöphel, C.; Schreiber, S.; Müller, T.; Möst, D.: Which Flexibility Options Facilitate the Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources in Electricity Systems? In: Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 2018
Pruditsch N., Zöphel C. (2017): Szenarien für ein europäisches Energiesystem - Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung konsistenter Szenarien für internationale Systeme im interdisziplinären Kontext. UmweltWirtschaftsForum (uwf). DOI: 10.1007/s00550-017-0443-x
- Zöphel, C.; Möst, D. (2017): The Value of Energy Storages under Uncertain CO2-Prices and Renewable Shares. In: IEEE Conference Proceedings: 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market – EEM 2017.
- Michaelis, J.; Müller, T.; Reiter, U.; Fermi, F.; Wyrwa, A.; Chen, Y.; Zöphel, C.; Kronthaler, N.; Elsland, R. (2017): Comparison of techno-economic characteristics of different flexibility options in the European energy system. In: IEEE Conference Proceedings: 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market – EEM 2017.
- Flämig-Wolak, Kumar, Pruditsch, Zöphel (2017): Die Kommunikation von Energietechnologien im Kontext energiepolitischer Zielstellungen. In: EUKO-Schriftenreihe 2017. Springer VS. (im Druck)
- Zöphel, C. (2017): Flexibilitätsbedarf in unterschiedlichen Energiesystemen mit hohem Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien. 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT), Wien, Februar 2017.
- Zöphel, C., Müller, T. (2016): Flexibilitätsoptionen am Strommarkt - Eine Analyse zu Hemmnissen und Erlösmöglichkeiten. In Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation (Eds.): Tagungsband des 14. Symposium Energieinnovation: Energie für unser Europa. Graz, Verlag der TU Graz.
- Möst, D., Hinz, F., Schmidt, M., Zöphel, C. (2015): Kurzgutachten zur regionalen Ungleichverteilung der Netznutzungsentgelte - Bestandsaufnahme und pragmatische Lösungsansätze. Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Energiewirtschaft, 8. URL: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-184452 .
His work was supervised and evaluated by Prof. Möst (supervisor and first assessor) and Prof. Bocklisch (second assessor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering).
Mr. Zöphel studied industrial engineering with a focus on energy economics at the TU Dresden for a bachelor's and master's degree from 2008 to 2014. He has been working at the professorship of energy economics since 2012 as student assistant, then from 2015 as a scholarship holder at the Boysen-TUD research training group and the professorship of energy economics and from 2018 as a research assistant.
The Professorship of Energy Economics and the Boysen-TUD research training group congratulates Mr. Zöphel on this outstanding success!