Jun 21, 2023
Hannes Hobbie receives Prof. Dr. Hilbert Publication Award: Presentation of the study in the colloquium on June 27th.

Hannes Hobbie (Chair of Business Adminstration, esp. Energy Economics) received the Professor Hilbert Publication Award.
On the Faculty Day on May 10th, 2023, the Prof. Dr. Hilbert Publication Award was presented for the first time. The prize was awarded to Hannes Hobbie (Chair of Business Administration, esp. Energy Economics) for the study published in the European Journal of Operational Research: Rehfeldt, D.; Hobbie, H.; Schönheit, D.; Koch, T.; Möst, D.; Gleixner, A. (2022): A massively parallel interior-point solver for LPs with generalized arrowhead structure, and applications to energy system models. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2021.06.063
On June 27th, 2023, Hannes Hobbie will give insights into the excellent publication and place the study in his research agenda in the colloquium (6:15-7:45 p.m.).
To the colloquium date