GAMAMOD (Gas Market Model)
Model Description
The gas market model GAMAMOD is a bottom-up model used to determine and analyse the optimal natural gas supply structure in Germany and to examine the utilization of the natural gas infrastructure. In its basic version, the model is a Linear Program with a high spatial resolution and daily time steps. It contains more than 800 nodes and 1200 edges, while also taking into account parallel transmission lines, storage, and changes to demand and the grid as year progress. It's main outputs are optimal flow, imports, storage usage and retrofitting.
In addition, important suppliers for the European natural gas market are considered. On the supply side, the model considers different production capacities with respect to the production level. The model enables the transport of natural gas by modelling pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipping.
A version of GAMAMOD focused on optimal retrofitting calculations also exists, this one has the form of a Mixed-Integer Linear Program.