Suggestions & Software
Guidelines & Templates
- Design guidelines for research papers of the chair of finance and financial studies
- Corporate design templates TU Dresden (templates for presentations)
Computer Pools
- Opening hours
- Occupancy
- Hard- and software available at the computer pool of the faculty of economics
The Writing Center of TU Dresden
- DreamSpark program of the faculty of economics
- Overview of student licences
- TU Dresden cloud service
Text Processing
- Microsoft Office (for free)
- TeX for Windows / TeX for Mac
- TeXStudio (Windows/Linux/Mac OS) (TeX required)
- TeXMaker (Windows/Linux/Mac OS) (TeX required)
View or Create PDF
- Adobe Acrobat Professionel 7 (free after registration)
- Sumatra PDF Viewer
Literature Management
- Mendeley
- JabRef
- EndNote
- zotero
- SLUB introductory course to literature management
- SWOT-analysis of literature management programs (SLUB)
- R Project homepage
- RStudio (IDE, integrated development environment for R)
- R extensions for finance
- Rmetrics Project (R extension for finance)
ZIH & VPN Zugang
Online Course & Introductions
- Coursera (courses: finance, R, statistics, programming etc.)
- Stanford Online Classes (courses: statistics etc.)
- video2brain (via SLUB Login, courses: LaTeX, Excel, VBA, Java, C++ etc.)
- Overview of LaTeX Tutorials (Dr. Rudl, department for mathematical stochastics, TU Dresden)