Information on Teaching
For a tabular overview of all courses, please scroll to the bottom of the page. In our Bachelor's program, we teach the fundamentals of (corporate) finance within the introductory course Investition und Finanzierung and the advanced course Investition und Finanzierung II. Furthermore, we offer a lecture on Behavioral Finance, in which students learn the basics of behavioral science. The Bachelor Seminar prepares students for their final thesis.
The Master's course Finanzderivate und Optionen teaches the basics of derivatives trading. The lecture on Financial Technology covers Blockchain technology, Crypto Currencies, Robo Advisory, Social Trading, and more. In the seminar Topics in Empirical Finance, advanced graduate students will discuss topical research papers on empirical finance, take on assignments, and present their results to the other course participants. Since the summer term 2024, our students also have the opportunity to attend the Space Economics lecture. Here, students apply economic models to the space industry and learn to identify the economic potential of various space companies as well as successful markets and business models. Finally, knowledge on the theory of science will be taught in a regular Research Seminar where students will also develop research questions and methodologies for their final theses.
The Bachelor Seminar and the Research Seminar are specifically designed to prepare students for the subsequent Bachelor's, Master's, or Diploma thesis.
You can find more detailed information on our course offering in the "Modulhandbuch" or via the links to our Opal courses provided in the table below.
To the current timetable for the summer semester 2024
Course | Course ID | Lang. |
Summer term |
Winter term |
Behavioral Finance → Lecture (2 SWS) |
BA-WW-BWL-0809 & D-WW-BWL-0809 |
German | X | |
Investition und Finanzierung → Lecture (2 SWS) → Tutorial to support self-learning |
German | X | |
Space Economics* → Lecture (2 SWS) |
MA-WW-BWL-0814 & D-WW-WIWI-0814 |
English | X | |
Topics in Empirical Finance
→ Seminar (2 SWS) |
MA-WW-BWL-0810 & D-WW-WIWI-0810 |
English | X | |
Investition und Finanzierung II
→ Lecture (2 SWS) |
BA-WW-BWL-0811 & D-WW-WIWI-0811 |
German | X | |
Finanzderivate und Optionen → Lecture (2 SWS) → Tutorial (2 SWS) |
MA-WW-BWL-0812 |
German | X | |
Financial Technology → Lecture (2 SWS) |
MA-WW-BWL-0813 |
English | X | |
WPA-Mentorenprogramm → Seminar (1 SWS), e.g., programming of roboter "Pepper" → Börsenführerschein (2 SWS) held by IG Börse Dresden e.V. |
German | X | X |
Bachelorseminar/ Forschungsseminar → Seminar (2 SWS) |
German & English |
X | X |
*Listed under “Aktuelle Themen der Finanzwirtschaft und Finanzdienstleistungen“