International TUD|excite Summer School
As part of the module "Current Topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation", we offer the International TUD|excite Summer School. Here, participants have the opportunity to work in international and interdisciplinary teams, learn new methods of idea generation and business model development and develop their own career prospects. They are supported by experienced scientists, entrepreneurs and experts from the TUD network.
The "International TUD|excite Summer School" will take place as a block seminar from August 25 - 29, 2025 (arrival: 24.08.25 & departure 30.08.25) in Hoyerswerda and is aimed at interested early-career researchers, i.e. students in advanced master's or diploma studies who are interested in an invention from our patent pool or who bring their own research-based invention.
Applications can be made individually or in a team of max. 3 people.
Further detailed information and instructions on how to apply can be found here.