Portraits, Videos & Podcasts
Table of contents
Portraits on the Reconciling of Doctorate and Family
Family friendliness is one facet of equal opportunities, which the TU Dresden and we at the faculty are committed to. Students, doctoral candidates and postdocs with children have to master special challenges in their everyday lives. On this page, we would like to gradually introduce people who report on their everyday personal experiences that they make or have made with the reconciling of studies/additional scientific qualification.
Video "Go Your Way - As a Female Scientist in Computer Science"
The DFG-funded Research Training Group "Role-based Software Infrastructures (RoSI)" at the Faculty of Computer Science has set itself the goal of contributing to the success of the TU Dresden's equal opportunities concept through its own equal opportunities activities. In a video clip, three female (business) computer scientists explain their personal motivation for a scientific career at the TU Dresden: Christiane Kuhn is a doctoral student in the Research Training Group RoSI, Anke Lehmann is a postdoc at the Faculty of Computer Science, Susanne Strahringer is a professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics and Principle Investigator in the Research Training Group.
FUN*cast: Careers in Academia
Is it worth pursuing a career in academia? And who can offer support along the path to a professorship after graduation? Women are still underrepresented in STEM+ scientific fields, especially in high academic positions.
In the podcast FUN*cast: Careers in Academia, Kachina from the FrauenUmweltNetzwerk (FUN) goes in search of clues together with Angela Böhm and Barabara Könczöl from the Graduate Academy (GA).