Courses and Workshops
Table of contents
Graduate Programs
Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research
The Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research offers a wide range of methods courses, which are aimed primarily at doctoral candidates in Business Administration and Business Information Systems.
The program is a network of the Business and Economics faculties at TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Uni Leipzig.
Visit the program website
Central German Doctoral Program in Economics (CGDE)
CGDE is a joint doctoral program of the universities and economic research institutes in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The courses are offered to doctoral candidates of Economics who are required to attend CGDE courses.
Visit the program website
VHB ProDok courses
VHB-ProDok supports the training of doctoral candidates in Business Administration and Business Information Systems. VHB-ProDok is offering up to 40 courses on a regular basis and thus enable long-term planning.ProDok courses are subject to a fee and take place at different locations throughout Germany.
In order to enable our doctoral candidates to attend ProDok courses, there is a ProDok grant at the faculty. Doctoral candidates of Business Administration and Business Information Systems in the 1st/2nd year of the doctorate can apply for this grant.
Visit the ProDok website
Information about the ProDok grant
Qualification program of the Graduate Academy
The aim of the qualification program is to support early career researchers during all stages of their academic career, during and immediately after their doctorate. The focus is on developing transferable skills and key competencies as well as on the personality development of early career researchers.
Visit the GA website
Continuing education for university and media didactics
For research and teaching associates at TU Dresden there is a wide range of advice services, further training and funding opportunities available, such as advice on university didactics, a comprehensive continuing education program, and guidance on how to use digital tools in teaching.
Learn more