E-Exams in PC-Pools
E-Exams via Safe Exam Browser
Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a secure browser application for reliably conducting online exams on Learning Management Systems (LMS). By starting the SEB application, a conventional Windows computer is put into a so-called kiosk mode and thus becomes a temporarily secured workstation. SEB controls access to tools such as system functions, other websites and programmes and prevents the use of unauthorised resources during an examination.
In Opal(-Exam), "Prüfung nur im Safe-Exam-Browser (SEB) starten" must be ticked in the "Prüfungseinstellungen" under "Prüfungsbrowser". This will give you an exam code. This code must be communicated to the students at the start of the exam, as this is the only way the test can be started.
Further information can be found here (BPS GmbH).
Please send an e-mail to the Informatiklabor at least one week before the exam starting that you wish to use the Safe Exam Browser and which Opal Exam platform is being used. You will then receive a confirmation and further instructions on how to use it.
E-Exams via IL's own solution
For exams outside of Opal Exam, the IL team has programmed its own solution to make the exams in the PC pools as fraud-proof as possible. The exam files can be distributed and submitted via a two-folder-system with special authorisations. In addition, the Internet can be blocked via a web interface.
Please send an e-mail to the Informatiklabor at least one week before the exam stating that you would like to have your own solution for your exam. You will then receive a confirmation and further instructions on how to use it.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Informatiklabor.