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Chair holder
NameJun.-Prof. Dr. Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva
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Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy
Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy
Visiting address:
Hülße-Bau Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Appointments can be made by e-mail with Ms Narangarav Nyamsuren via
Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva is Junior Professor of sustainability assessment and policy at TU Dresden, Germany, since April 2022. Prior to joining TU Dresden, she conducted her research at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Leuphana University Luneburg and taught at ESCP Europe and Zeppelin University. Her research on sustainability management with a focus on sustainability transformation, performance and sustainability reporting has been published by leading journals in her field.
Professional Career
- 04/2022: Junior Professor at the Junior Professorship for Sustainability Assessment and Policy
- 01/2020 - 03/2022: Research associate Institute of Technology assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, International research project "Connect to transform" (Formas: Swedish Research Council) and Yig Prep Pro
- 08/2015 - 12/2019: Research associate Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
- 11/2012 - 06/2015: Management consultant Accenture Strategy & Sustainability, Berlin, Germany
- 02/2012 - 08/2012: Visiting researcher at the Research Institute for Sustainability Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business / WU Vienna, Austria
- 05/2016 - 09/2021: PhD Dr. rer. pol. “Managing, measuring and assessing sustainability performance – Conceptual developments informed by empirical insights and systematic literature reviews” (summa cum laude) with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Stefan Schaltegger at the Centre for Sustainability Management, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
- 06/2012 - 06/2014: Selected courses from the Master of Liberal Arts Sustainability and Environmental Management (three courses; two while working at Accenture) Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
- 10/2010 - 09/2012: Master of Science International Business Studies (1.2, top 3 graduates), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- 10/2007 - 09/2010: Double Bachelor degree programme Bachelor of Arts International Business Studies (1.6, Top 3 Graduates), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Bachelor of Science with Honours Accounting (First Class), University of Hull, United Kingdom
Scholarship and Awards
- 01/2019 - 09/2019: Fellowship Leuphana University of Lüneburg
- 2011 - 2013: Sponsored participation at international sustainability conference One Young World in Switzerland 2011, in the USA 2012; both sponsored by Siemens, South Africa 2013: sponsored by Accenture
- 02/2012 - 06/2012: Kurt - Fordan scholarship for highly gifted students: Research stay in Vienna, Austria
- 2011: Admittance to WiWi-Talents Program for gifted students
- 2011: Scholarship awarded by Schmalenbach foundation
- 03/2009 - 10/2010: Bayerische EliteAkademie: Full scholarship for three months (one month/semester) additional qualification program with trips to Brussels and China; 37 selected from 325 applicants
- 09/2009 - 06/2010: German Academic Exchange Service DAAD: Full academic-year scholarship; monthly stipend and tuition
- 2009: Scholarship awarded by Nürnberger Steuergespräche e.V.
- 2012: Faculty wide afwn-prize for master thesis
- 2009-2012: Admittance Leonardo-Kolleg (top 5% students), comp. Dean’s list
- 2010: Award for Best Business Idea at the 9. Heidelberger Innovationsforum
- 2011: Accenture Campus Challenge: Sustainability strategy for a multi-national company, first prize among 77 competing teams, Germany/ Austria/ Switzerland
- 2011: Outstanding Delegation award at National Model United Nations, NYC, USA
- 2010: Among top 10 of 182 submission in state-wide competition for business plan in interdisciplinary team on technical innovation
Teaching experience and qualification
- Seminar Sustainability – Concepts, practice, policies (6 ECTS course offered in English; Bachelor program; Spring semester 2019; Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany)
- Course Integrated Reporting (5 ECTS course offered in English; Master program; Fall semester 2018; ESCP Europe, Berlin, Germany)
- Seminar Corporate Sustainability Accounting and Controlling (10 ECTS course offered in English, conducted in German; open to students of all subjects and levels; Fall semester 2017; Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany)
- Co-supervision of bachelor theses (one resulting in publication)
- Teaching certificate „Hochschuldidaktisches Zertifikatsprogramm“ (2017 – 2019)
Sustainability assessment for novel approaches in the agri-food industry: The example of vertical farming , 1 Mar 2025, In: Journal of cleaner production. 495, 145036Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Review article
Extending Operations Management, Operations Research, and Supply Chain Management Research With Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Literature Review Approach , 25 Aug 2024, In: Production and operations management : the flagship research journal of the Production and Operations Management SocietyElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Decisions for Water: The Crucial Role of Environmental Management Control Systems , 1 Jan 2024, Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., p. 62-64, 3 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
The role of emerging technologies for sustainability in supply chains: An expert perspective , 2024Research output: Contribution to conferences > Presentation slides
Sustainability management accounting – enabling macro-level sustainability transformation towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , 6 Nov 2023, In: Meditari Accountancy Research. 32, 3, p. 923-944, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
A configurational approach to understanding incumbent firm behavior in sustainability transitions , 28 Sep 2023Research output: Contribution to conferences > Abstract
Revisiting Renewable Energies: Liberating, Pacifying, and Democratizing , 3 Aug 2023, In: Business & society. 63, 6, p. 1295-1301, 7 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Comment/Debate
A framework for understanding incumbent firm behavior in sustainability transitions , 30 Jun 2023Research output: Contribution to conferences > Presentation slides
Emerging Information Technologies for Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review , 2023Research output: Contribution to conferences > Presentation slides
Understanding positive contributions to sustainability. A systematic review , Oct 2022, In: Journal of environmental management. 2022, 320, 115802Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Review article