Jan 08, 2025
Really happy that our contribution on #greeningtrade #greeningbusinesses
#environmentalprovisions #EMS #environmentalperformance #SDGs #sustainability #environmentalpolicy has been accepted in the „Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal“ (SAMPJ).
As the negative environmental effects of international trade must be countered through evidence-based policies, we Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva Johanna Mai Nelli Ukhova hope to encourage researchers and practitioners to consider the implications of our study on how to render environmental provisions more effective.
👉 Read the full article here: PDF
- systematically analyze the literature on the effects of environmental provisions in international trade agreements on the environmental performance of businesses and economies from 1992 to mid 2024,
- find that the integration of environmental provisions with effective enforcement mechanisms into trade agreements has generally positive effects on the environment and the potential to counter the pollution haven effect,
- identify and classify the factors, mediators and boundary conditions that determine the effectiveness of environmental provisions,
- bridge the gap between micro- and macroeconomic policies through an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to sustainability,
- and argue that the research landscape on greening trade should be diversified through strengthening research from Global South countries, including funding and research cooperation.