Aug 29, 2019
PhD Defense
Andreas Kopper, PhD student at TU Dresden and OTH Regensburg, sucessfully defended his PhD thesis in the field of IT governance. He started the process in 2015 and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Westner (OTH) and Susanne Strahringer (TUD).
In his thesis Andreas Kopper explred the phenomena „Shadow IT“ and „Business-managed IT“. Both terms adress solutions that are managed in business units or by single business users, in the case of shadow IT the IT department does not know anything about these systems whereas in the case of business-managed IT the system is run in alignment with the IT department and usually in a model of shared responsibility.
In his reserach Andreas Kopper conceptualized the two pehnomena and investigated configurations that usually result in a successful deployment of shadow or business-managed IT. Andreas looked at the two concepts from different perpectives and derived results directly applicable in practice and at the same time with a remarkable theoretical impact.
Andreas Kopper presented and published papers at MKWI, AMCIS, ECIS, and in HMD, IJITBAG und IJISPM. Further submissions are under review.