Jun 21, 2023
Forum Presentation at IEEE CBI 2023
![Vortrag at IEEE CBI](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/wirtschaft/winf/isih/ressourcen/bilder/bilder-news/cbi2023/@@images/49782492-6fd6-4523-9cdd-92412f4f951e.jpeg)
Tarek Skouti right before his presentation at the CBI forum
Tarek Skouti, a former PhD student of the DFG-funded Research Training Group RoSI (Role-based Software Infrastructures for continuous-context-sensitive Systems) presented a paper related to role-based modelling. In the field of system engineering, models are essential tools for capturing and communicating different aspects of a system. However, as systems evolve over time, so do their models. Ensuring that these models remain consistent with each other and the system's requirements is challenging. The presentation addressed the problem of semantically consistent transformation of behavioral and structural models, which aims to preserve the meaning and correctness of models across different levels of abstraction and representation.