Visiting International Professors (VIP) Program
The VIP Program aims at expanding and strengthening the international network of business information systems (BIS) research at TU Dresden. As part of the program, leading BIS scholars from all over the world are invited to visit Dresden to present their research, work on joint projects, teach PhD courses, co-supervise PhD students, support grant proposals, etc.

Coming soon...
Research talk: The Art of Responding to Review Comments (July 25, 2024) | Professor W. Alec Cram, PhD (University of Waterloo, Canada) Visiting Scholars
Award ceremony & Research talk: Digital Sourcing: A Discussion of Agential, Semiotic, Infrastructural, Combinatorial, and Economic Shifts (June 5, 2024) | Professor Dr. Oliver Krancher (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Visiting Scholars
Research talk: Dos and Don'ts of Publishing (July 18, 2023) | Professor Monideepa Tarafdar, PhD (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) Visiting Scholars
Research talk: Sustaining IT Outsourcing Performance during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Configurational Approach (July 13, 2022) | Professor Ilan Oshri, PhD (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Visiting Scholars
Award ceremony & Research talk: Algorithms as Managers – Mitigating Harmful Effects on the Well-being of Platform Workers (June 7, 2022) | Professor Dr. Kathrin Kirchner (Technical University of Denmark) Visiting Scholars
Research talk: Remote, Mobile, and Blue-Collar – ICT-Enabled Job Crafting to Elevate Occupational Well-Being (May 17, 2022) | Professor Carol Saunders, PhD (University of Central Florida, USA) Visiting Scholars
Doctoral seminar: Theory and Theory Building (May 16-17, 2022) | Professor Carol Saunders, PhD (University of Central Florida, USA) Visiting Scholars
Award ceremony & Research talk: Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Theorizing on Digital Transformation Processes (June 8, 2021) | Professor Julia Kotlarsky, PhD (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Visiting Scholars