Measures to promote equal opportunities at the TU Dresden
Table of contents
Diversity Strategy 2030
The essential building blocks of TU Dresden's Diversity Strategy 2030 are:
- the Equal Opportunities Concept 2018
- the Women's Empowerment Plan (2019-2023)
- the Action Plan for the implementation of UN-CRPD
- the Action Program family-friendly university (2019-2022) and
- the Internationalization Strategy.
Implemented measures
A wide variety of measures are derived from this, which the TU Dresden has already successfully established and implemented to promote equal opportunities, also supported by the federal and state program for female professors (since 2010) and by the Excellence Initiative (since 2012). These measures include:
- Establishment of the Eleonore Trefftz Visiting Professor Program
- Establishment of the Maria Reiche Program for female postdocs of the TU Dresden
- Establishment of the family service institution Campusbüro Uni mit Kind
- Establishment of an independent care counseling service on the TU Dresden campus for employees and students
- Arrangement of childcare places for children of employees of the
TU Dresden - Implementation of holiday childcare for children in grades 5 - 8 of employees of the TU Dresden
- Equal opportunities and family-friendly design of appointment procedures and introduction of guidlines for equal opportunities in appointment procedures
- TUD-wide call for proposals for the Equality and Diversity Incentive Fund (2018, 2020, 2022) and Special Inclusion Funds (annual since 2015)
Facts and figures
Facts and figures that show what TU Dresden has already achieved in terms of diversity and equal opportunities and where further efforts are particularly important are summarized in the factbook "Diversity@TUD".