Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Seidler, MPH
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Seidler
Professur Arbeits-, Sozialmedizin und Public Health
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Prevention research at the Insitute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine (IPAS) takes place in seven research areas:
- research area 1: occupational Medicine, social Medicine, Public Health
- research area 2: Psychophysiology
- research area 3: systematic reviews, guidelines
- research area 4: clinical occupational medicine
- research area 5: Occupational, social and environmental epidemiology
- research area 6: Prevention and healthcare research
- research area 7: Health sciences, public health
since 2010 |
University professor (W3) for Occupational and Social Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden, Germany |
2006-2010 | Coordinator of Occupational Medicine/Scientific Director of the "Work and Health" Department of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in Berlin |
2005-2006 | Head of the Registry Office of the Cancer Registry Rhineland-Palatinate |
1992-2005 | Assistant physician / scientific assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt, BAuA, BGFA, Bochum, Hessian State Industrial Physician, MHH Hannov |
Dean of the postgraduate master program "Health Sciences, Public Health" | |
Head of the Occupational Medicine Committee of the Saxon State Medical Association | |
Scientific director of further education classes in cupational medicine at the Saxon State Medical Association |
Freiberg A, Euler U, Girbig M, Nienhaus A, Freitag S, Seidler A. Does the use of small aids during patient handling activities lead to a decresased occurence of musculoskeletal complaints and diseases? A systematic review. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2016;89:547-559 |
Garthus-Niegel S, Hegewald J, Seidler A, Nübling M, Espinola-Klein C, Liebers F, Wild PS, Latza U, Letzel S. The Gutenberg health study: associations between occupational and private stress factors and work-privacy conflict. BMC Public Health 2016;16:192. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Nübling M, Letzel S, Hegewald J, Wagner M, Wild PS, Blettner M, Zwiener I, Latza U, Jankowiak S, Liebers F, Seidler A. Development of a mobbing short scale in the Gutenberg Health Study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2016;89:137-146. |
Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Garthus-Niegel S, Eberhard-Gran M. Pediatric sleep problems and social-emotional problems. A population-based study. Infant Behav Dev 2016;42:111-118 |
Wagner M, Bolm-Audorff U, Hegewald J, Fishta A, Schlattmann P, Schmitt J, Seidler A. Occupational polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and risk of larynx cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Med 2015;72:226-233. |
Seidler A, Bergmann A, Bolm-Audorf U, Ditchen D, Ellegast R, Euler U, Haufe E, Haerting J, Jordan C, Kersten N, Kuß O, Luttmann A, Morfeld P, Schäfer K, Jäger M. Stellungnahme zum Kommentar zur DWS-2-Studie und zu Implikationen hinsichtlich „BK 2108 – Biomechanik vs. Pathophysiologie“. Zbl Arbeitsmed 2015;65:368-374. |
Seidler A, Euler U : Einführung in das Büro (und in die Bürogesundheit) In: Seidler A, Euler U, Letzel S, Nowak D (Hrsg.) Gesunde Gestaltung von Büroarbeitsplätzen: Arbeitsmedizinische Aspekte, physikalische Einflussfaktoren, Gefahrstoffexposition, Organisationsformen.Landsberg, ecomed MEDIZIN, 2015, S.: 15-23. |
Bolm-Audorff U, Bergmann A, Grifka J, Hering KG, Haerting J, Linhardt O, Petereit-Haack G, Vaitl T, Seidler A. Informationen für den Gutachter der Berufskrankheit 2108: Auswertung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulenstudie. Zbl Arbeitsmed 2014;64:35-44. |
Seidler A, Bergmann A, Bolm-Audorf U, Ditchen D, Ellegast R, Euler U, Haerting J, Haufe E, Jordan C, Kersten N, Kuss O, Luttmann A, Morfeld P, Schäfer K, Jäger M. Dosis-Wirkung-Zusammenhang zwischen physischen Belastungen und lumbalen Bandscheibenerkrankungen. Zbl Arbeitsmed 2014;64:239-274. |
Seidler A, Brüning T, Taeger D, Möhner M, Gawrych K, Bergmann A, Haerting J, Bold HM, Straif K, Harth V. Cancer incidence among workers occupationally exposed to dinitrotoluene in the copper mining industry. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2014;87:117-124 |
Seidler A, Harth V, Taeger D, Möhner M, Gawrych K, Bergmann A, Haerting J, Bolt HM, Straif K, Brüning T. Dinitrotulene exposure in the copper mining industry and renal cancer: a case-cohort study. Occup Environ Med 2014;71:259-265. |
Seidler A, Thinschmidt M, Deckert S, Then F, Hegewald J, Nieuwenhuijsen K, Riedel-Heller SG. The role of psychosocial working conditions on burnout and its core component emotional exhaustion – a systematic review. J Occup Med Toxicol 2014;9:10. |
Then FS, Luck T, Luppa M, Thinschmidt M, Deckert S, Nieuwnhuijsen K, Seidler A, Riedel-Heller SG. Systematic review of the effect of the psychosocial working environment on cognition and dementia. Occup Environ Med 2014;71:358-365. |
Euler U, Dahmann D, follmann M, Gaede KJ, Gäßler A, Groneberg D, Heer M, Krutz K, Latza U, Lelgemann M, Letzel S, Merget R, Müller-Quernheim J, Nauert T, Seidler A. S-Leitlinie Gesundheitsüberwachung bei Beryllium-Exposition und diagnostisches Vorgehen bei berylliumassoziierter Erkrankung. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2013;138:488-492. |
Euler U, Wegewitz UE, Schmitt J, Adams J, Van Dijk JL, Seidler A. Interventions to support return-to-work for patients with coronary heart disease. Cochrane Library 2013; 9:1-12. |
Girbig M, Deckert S, Kopkow C, Latza U, Dulon M, Nienhaus A, Groneberg D, Seidler A. Work-related complaints and diseases of physical therapists – protocol for the Establishment of a “Physical Therapist Cohort “ (PTC) in Germany. J Occup Med Toxicol 2013;8:34/1-34/8. |
Ijaz S, Verbeek J, Seidler A, Lindbohm ML, Ojajarvi A, Orsini N, Nevonen K. Night-shift work and breast cancer – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Work Environ Health 2013;39:431-447. Ijaz S, Verbeek J, Seidler A, Lindbohm ML, Ojajarvi A, Orsini N, Nevonen K. Response to letter to the editor, re Ijaz S, et al. “Night-shift work and breast cancer – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Work Environ Health 2013;39:633-634. |
Nuebling M, Seidler A, Garthus-Niegel S, Latza U, Wagner M, Hegewald J, Liebers F, Jankowiak S, Zwiener I, Wild P, Letzel S. The Gutenberg Health Study: measuring psychosocial factors at work and predicting health and work-related outcomes with the ERI and the COPSOQ questionnaire. BMC Public Health 2013;13:538. |
Seidler A, Jähnichen S, Hegewald J, Fishta A, Krug O, Rüter L, Strik C, Hallier E, Straube S. Systematic review and quantification of respiratory cancer risk for occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2013;86:943-955. Seidler A, Jähnichen S, Hegewald J, Fishta A, Krug O, Ruter L, Straube S. Reply to: Pesch B, Weiss T, Pallapies D, Schluter G, Bruning T. letter to the Systematic review and quantification of respiratory cancer risk for occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2013;86:961-963. |
Backé EM, Seidler A, Latza U, Rossnagel K, Schumann B. The role of psychosocial stress at work for the development of cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2012;85:67-79. |
Seidler A, Brüning T, Taeger D, Möhner M, Gawrych K, Bergmann A, Haerting J, Bolt HM, Straif K, Harth V. Cancer incidence among workers occupationally exposed to dinitrotoluene in the copper mining industry. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2012 doi: 10.1007/s00420-012-0842-9. |
Seidler A, Bolm-Audorff U, Petereit-Haack G, Ball E, Klupp M, Krauss N, Elsner G. Work-related lesions of the supraspinatus tendon: a case-control study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2011 doi: 10.1007/s00420-010-0567-6. |
Seidler A, Euler U, Bolm-Audorff U, Ellegast R, Grifka J, Haerting J, Jäger M, Michaelis M, Kuss O. Physical workload and accelerated occurrence of lumbar spine diseases: risk and rate advancement periods in a German multicenter case-control study. Scand J Work Environ Health 2011;37:30-36. |
Schumann B, Bolm-Audorff U, Bergmann A, Ellegast R, Elsner G, Grifka J, Haerting J, Jäger M, Michaelis M, Seidler A. Lifestyle factors and lumbar disc disease: results of a German multi-center case-control study (EPILIFT). Arthritis Res Ther. 2010;12(5):R193. |
Vrezas I, Elsner G, Bolm-Audorff U, Abolmaali N, Seidler A. Case-control study of knee osteoarthritis and lifestyle factors considering their interaction with physical workload. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2010;83:291-300. Erratum in: Int Arch Occup Environ Health 83;2010:713. |
GAP - Healthy Work in Pioneer Industries. Development of a self-learning, network-coordinated occupational health and safety system for small and medium-sized enterprises in technology networks.
NORAH (Noise Related Annoyance, Cognition and Health): Aircraft Noise Study in the Rhine-Main Region, Module 2 "Health": Secondary data-based case-control study (sub-module 1) with in-depth individual interviews (sub-module 2)
Practice learning site nursing: Guidance to a demography-proof nursing practice (DemoPrax)
24-hour monitoring to analyze the relationship between workload and recovery behavior among shift workers in the food and beverage industry (AES-NG project)
Starting working life with occupational health and safety - (Youth) occupational health and safety (JAGS) among trainees and practical instructors in the retail and merchandise logistics industry
Workload and recovery behavior during shift work (AES project)
Fit on the job II - Cardiovascular fitness and nutrition in employees with flexible working hours in the hotel business
"My next job" - Human resources development for occupations with limited job duration - Model occupation IV: Healthy and motivated in the teaching profession until retirement - Ways of prevention and human resources development
Mental Health at Work Study (S-MGA): Development of an empirical basis for work ability and functional health - Representative surveys of employed persons
Relationship of working conditions and health in the professional entry and seniority phase of teachers - conclusions for prevention, short title: Prevention evaluation in the entry and seniority phase of teachers
Work-related diseases in physical therapists - systematic review of evidence.
Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and laryngeal carcinoma - a systematic review
Cochrane systematic review - Interventions to support return-to-work for patients with coronary heart disease
Development, implementation and evaluation of the Saxon diabetes guidelines
Development and implementation of a first practice guideline on dyslipidemia
Development and implementation of the first practice guideline on metabolic-vascular syndrome (MVS)
National Health Care Guidelines Program (NVL)
Systematic Review: Environmental Aircraft Noise and Non-Auditory Health Complaints and Diseases
MRSA colonization in healthcare workers
Investigation of information needs of participants in follow-up occupational health screening after asbestos exposure/uranium radiation exposure
Akershus Birth Cohort Study
Work-related risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
Occupational Factors Influencing Cardiovascular Diseases - Evaluation of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) in a Longitudinal Time Section
Development, implementation and evaluation of new forms of care in diabetology
Case-control study on the association of work-related and non-work-related exposure to UV radiation and skin cancer in squamous cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinomas