Jan 14, 2025
The nursing lectures and basic nursing courses 2025 start!
In 2025, we will once again be offering the tried-and-tested format of care lectures and basic care courses ! The demand and response in recent years has shown how important and valuable these topics are for people with (imminent) care responsibilities.
All dates, topics and the possibility to register can be found on the website: https: Lectures and courses — TU Dresden — TU Dresden
The topics of the presentations will be
- Legal news on long-term care insurance
- Care time - relief for relatives
- Care assessment and options for home care
- Emergency folder, emergency box and co
- Healthcare proxy and living will
- Care at a distance
- Dementia in the family
- Care in the family - managing yourself in a healthy and compatible way
The two basic care courses in spring and fall are aimed in particular at students and employees of TU Dresden who are currently taking on care responsibilities. This course provides practical knowledge and information to enable the best possible support in day-to-day care. The course offers individual and practical exchange opportunities to support participants in a targeted manner in reconciling their studies, career and care responsibilities.

Coordinator family friendliness
NameFranziska Schneider Dipl.-Soz.
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