Here you will find current edited volumes of the Department of Health and Nursing.
- Ertl-Schmuck, Roswitha / Hoffmann, Jeanette (eds.) (2020): Fields of tension between theory and practice in teacher education. Interdisciplinary perspectives. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa
Hänel, Jonas / Altmeppen, Sandra (eds.) (2020): Subject - care - education. Discourse lines in the nursing didactic work of Roswitha Ertl-Schmuck. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa
- Ertl-Schmuck, Roswitha; Hänel, Jonas (ed.) (2018): Passages of nursing didactic work at the interface of university and school practice. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa
- Handbook series "Nursing didactics as a discipline"
- Scientific work in health and nursing