Das Fach WTH © M.Lenk

Introducing the Subject

The school subject "Wirtschaft-Technik-Haushalt/Soziales (WTH)" was introduced in the course of the curriculum reform in the 2004/05 school year in Saxony for the then Mittelschule (middle/secondary school), now Oberschule (high/secondary school). The subject is in the tradition of integrated labour studies. However, compared to similar subjects in other federal states, it has an additional reference to the household. This emphasises its practical component in addition to its vocational orientation. The teaching of WTH in Saxony is designed to be multi-perspective and to complement the vocational orientation with practical, real-life aspects such as preparing and storing food or calculating income and expenditure in a private household.
Teachers for this subject have been trained at the TU Dresden since 2012.

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