The subject is headed by Prof Dr Rolf Koerber and is part of the Institute of Vocational Education and Vocational Didactics. In addition, other members of staff are employed or seconded to the subject at the Technical University of Dresden.
Teachers for the subject at secondary schools have been trained at TU Dresden since 2012. Around 180 students are currently studying the subject in Dresden in the summer term 2024.
The school subject "Wirtschaft-Technik-Haushalt/Soziales (WTH)" (Economics-Technology-Household/Social Affairs) was introduced in the course of the curriculum reform in the 2004/05 school year in Saxony for the then Mittelschule (middle school/ secondary school), now Oberschule (high school/ secondary school). The subject sees itself in the tradition of integrated labour studies, but in comparison to similar subjects in other federal states, it has an additional household reference. This emphasises its practical life component, which thus comes alongside the work orientation. The WTH lessons in Saxony are designed to be multi-perspective and supplement the vocational orientation with practical, real-life aspects such as food preparation and stockpiling or income and expenditure accounting in a private household.