Sarah Marie Neumann
research assistant
NameSarah Marie Neumann (she/her)
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Office hours:
- Thursday:
- 11:30 - 12:30
- registration via email
Academic career
- since 07/2023 Research Assistant, Institute of Protestant Theology Chair of Religious Education (Protestant Education), TUD Dresden University of Technology
- 2021-2023 Research Assistant (WHK), Institute of Protestant Theology Chair of Religious Education (Protestant), TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Since 2021Doctoral student with Birte Platow and Maria Häusl and doctoral student at TUD Dresden University of Technology
Academic education
- 2021First state examination, TUD Dresden University of Technology
- 2017-2020 Accompanying studies in theater pedagogy, die bühne
- 2014-2021 Teacher Training - Middle Schools, Protestant Theology and German Studies, TUD Dresden University of Technology
- 2013 Abitur (A-Levels)
Memberships and involvement
- Member of the ESWTR group of religious education teachers
- Delegate of the representation of interests of academic staff at Protestant Theological Faculties and Institutes of Protestant Theology
- Founding member of the »genderschaft« in the GenderConceptGroup
Area of responsibility:
- Block internship B in the subject Protestant Religion; Research Associate in the Department of Protestant Religious Education
- Contact person for: questions relating to the block internship B and professional internship; study advice before and during studies
Courses offered
- S: Religious education as prevention of extremism
Previous courses
- S: Sexual education in denominational places
- S:Telling and listening-exploring the RU with theater pedagogical methods
- 2023 Publication "Eva, Maria und die Lust - biblische Angebote sexueller Handlungskonzepte", in GenderGraduateProjectsIV - Lebenswelten, Feministische Diskurse, Narrating Gender
academic communication
- 2024 Review "Anstößige Theologie", Marcella Althaus-Reid, in feinschwarz - das theologische Feuilleton
- 2024„Ist das Glas denn echt nur halb voll? – Theologische Grabenkämpfe", in feinschwarz - das theologische Feuilleton