Jun 05, 2024
UNsolved - Puzzles for world peace with the Center for International Studies for the Dresden Science Night 2024
International politics and the United Nations may often appear to be complex topics that are only relevant to experts or politicians. But that is not true! They affect us all and should therefore be accessible to everyone. For this reason, the Center for International Studies is offering an exciting puzzle box for the Dresden Science Night 2024.
The 'UNsolved' is no ordinary puzzle station. Like a Rubik's cube, the interactive puzzle box offers all interested parties exciting puzzles on the history of the United Nations, peacekeeping, the Sustainable Development Goals and much more.
To crack the puzzles, you have to press buttons, plug in cables, turn wheels and set magnets together. It is an interactive adventure for which no previous knowledge is required. At the end, the safe opens with a special reward for your commitment and knowledge.
When: June 14, 2024 from 17:00 to 00:00
Where: Auditorium Center TUD - Bergstraße 64, 01069; Room E01
You are welcome to come by for a short time or try a longer puzzle. Whether you prefer to spend just 10 minutes or 30 minutes tackling the challenges of the tricky and interesting questions - the 'UNgelöst' is ready for you to expand your knowledge and take you on an entertaining journey to world peace. The puzzle game is available for 2 or more people.
We are also pleased to introduce you to the Center for International Studies with its Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in International Relations. Our programs are interdisciplinary and combine the fields of international law, international politics and international economics. What is special about our Center and our degree programs is the internationality and the high level of commitment of our students and teaching staff in a challenging and motivated learning environment.