Jul 03, 2014
UNESCO in the fields of controversy between mastermind, mediator and devlopment aid worker - A viable model?
The UNESCO Chair in International Relations in co-operation with the School of International Studies (ZIS) and the United Nations Association of Germany - UNA-Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen Landesverband Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen e.V.) are inviting on 3 July 2014 at 18.30 o'clock (GER/039) to the guest lecture entitled UNESCO in the fields of controversy between mastermind, mediator and devlopment aid worker - A viable model? delivered by Wolfgang Reuther. Great pleasure to see you!
Wolfgang Reuther is former director of the UNESCO office based in Moscow (1998-2003), Amman (2003-2005) and San José (2005-2008) as well as special advisor for co-ordinating UNESCO's national and regional offices based in the headquarters in Paris (2008-2012).
Following his lecture Mr Reuther feels free to answer your questions concerning career opportunities in international organizations deliberately. He comprises of more than 30 years of related experiences in international Organizations and shares his tipps and insights willingly (report).