Jan-Philipp Kruse, M.A.
Phone: +49 351 463 43840
Office: Chemnitzer Str. 48b, 01187 Dresden, 2nd floor, room 263
Office hours by agreement
As a research associate of the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Theory of the TU Dresden, Jan-Philipp Kruse studies various aspects of social transformation, among them conceptual issues of normativity and judgement, conditions of law and politics as well as the methods of Critical Theory. His PhD project investigates the social pathology of "semantical crises" in the context of complicated problems and structural risks. Further research interests: religion and rationality, Jürgen Habermas' late works, Walter Benjamin's theory of experience.
Current publications
- Revolution der Erinnerung. Vom Tigersprung zwischen Marx und Freud [Revolution of remembrance. On the "tiger's leap" between Marx and Freud], in: Anthropologischer Materialismus und Materialismus der Begegnung, hg. v. Marc Berdet und Thomas Ebke, Berlin 2014
- Once more, with Feeling. In lieu of conference proceedings for the juwiss-blog: http://www.juwiss.de/80-2014/
- Hrsg.: Kritik Praxis Krankenhaus [Critique Praxis Hospital], Berlin 2015
Curriculum Vitae:
Philosophical, Cultural, Aesthetical and Psychological studies in Berlin, Germany; scholar of the German National Merit Foundation; tutor at the Department of Philosophy of the Humboldt University Berlin; student research assistant at the Collaborative Research Centre 626 ("Aesthetic Experience and the Dissolution of Artistic Limits", research project C14: "Aesthetics of adjudication/Law in aesthetic judgments"); research associate at the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Theory (since 2014).