Dec 12, 2024
New publication by Dr. Johannes Haaf: Entgrenzungsformen. On the relationship between law and democracy in the transnational constellation. Velbrück Science 2024, 304 pages (Open Access)
"Entgrenzungsformen. Zum Verhältnis von Recht und Demokratie in der transnationalen Konstellation" by Dr. Johannes Haaf was recently published by Velbrück Wissenschaft!
The idea of self-legislation, on which a large part of democratic and constitutional theory is based, has become untenable. The legitimization of rule by the sovereign will of the people is undermined by a law that is formed from the cross-border entanglements of different legal systems.
Johannes Haaf undertakes a redefinition of the relationship between law, rule and democracy in the transnational constellation. To this end, he draws on Claude Lefort's conception of human rights. They can also become effective as a medium of democratic representation in the context of the respective forms of delimitation that characterize the process of transnational law-making. The study shows that the relationship between subjective entitlement and democratic empowerment requires new ways of formalizing opportunities for participation. (Publisher's note)
Detailed information can be found here: Forms of demarcation. On the relationship between law and democracy in the transnational constellation