Flyer Forschung 2 © Annett Knöspel Bücher Nordamerikastudien 2 © Annett Knöspel

Research at the Pace of Time

Brigitte Georgi-Findlay has worked as professor of North American Cultural Studies since 1997 and graduated with a thesis on Indian Literature at the University of Heidelberg. In her postdoctoral thesis at FU Berlin she investigated the diaries of women who moved to the American West during the 19th century. The American West has remained the focus of her research interests up until today. At the moment, she deals with constructions of history and society in the American Western (film and TV series) and equally focuses on TV series of the 1950s/60s/70s (e.g. Bonanza) as well as on more recent Western series on American television. Here, you can find an overview of research foci and current research projects.

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