School of (Un)thought: Tools and technologies of study
Following the concept of "critical pedagogy" formulated by bell hooks (1994, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, New York: Routledge), in this seminar we offer to dedicate ourselves to the university as a place where people critically and collectively think, research and produce knowledge. To this end, we take one of the most important spaces at the university, the classroom, seriously to consciously think and produce it together. As part of the project «School of (Un)Thought: Wissensräume machtkritisch, kollektiv und diversitätssensibel gestalten», we re-evaluate how we meet, how knowledge is brought in, passed on and produced together in the classroom. How can the classroom itself be useful for reorganizing social relationships? How can we not only think society, but also change it? These and other questions are intended to create a basis - a blue print - for a diverse examination of inequality and injustice as well as for exploring and jointly shaping the "university". In doing so, we will draw primarily on theories and material from the fields of Black Feminist Theory, Queer Studies, Black Studies and media studies and theory. We want to develop a common practice, document it and create an accessible archive, which can in turn be used as a toolkit to be critically questioned and further developed.