Apr 17, 2023
Kicking the energy transition up a notch - current research projects at TUD
The switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies is a considerable feat. It is something that affects us in virtually all areas of our daily lives. How we live and work, how we communicate with each other and how we get from A to B - everything has to be rethought. Scientists at TU Dresden are conducting research on a wide range of topics in this area, from power generation and energy efficiency, to power transmission and stable grids. Three projects were presented in the current special supplement of the Sächsische Zeitung (Saxon Newspaper) on March 31, 2023.
Selected articles of the Sächsische Zeitung, which regularly appear on the website of TUD and provide information on other current research projects, can be found here: https://www.saechsische.de/unternehmenswelt/tu-dresden
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