Jul 29, 2016 - Dec 07, 2017; Event Series

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Das Lehrstuhlkolloquium der Professur für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe findet Freitags um 09:20 im Görgesbau Raum 321 statt. Im Rahmen des Lehrstuhlkolloquiums präsentieren Studierende die Ergebnisse Ihrer Diplomarbeiten und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse. Weiterhin werden Gastvorträge von Experten aus Industrie und Forschung angeboten.

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Nov 11, 2016; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) H. Barth, Dipl.-Ing. (research presentation)
N. Remus, Dipl.-Ing.(research presentation)
Start and end time 09:20 AM - 10:50 AM
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Nov 25, 2016; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) H. Barth, Dipl.-Ing. (final presentation of the diploma thesis)
N. Remus, Dipl.-Ing.(research presentation)
Start and end time all-day
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Dec 15, 2016; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) K. Köthe (Diplomzwischenvortrag)
G. Steinborn, Dipl.-Ing. (Forschungsvortrag)
Start and end time all-day
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Jan 12, 2017; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) C. Kunze (Diplomabschlussvortrag)
C. Evers, Dipl.-Ing. (Forschungsvortrag)
Start and end time 09:20 AM
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Jan 20, 2017; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) S. Schwarz (Diplomabschlussvortrag)
A. El-Naggar (Forschungsvortrag)
Start and end time 09:20 AM - 10:50 AM
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Feb 17, 2017; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) T. Micklitz (Forschungsvortrag)
S. Günther (Forschungsvortrag)
Start and end time 09:20 AM - 10:50 AM
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor

Feb 24, 2017; Colloquium

Colloquium of the chair of Electrical Machines and Drives

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Elektrotechnisches Institut; Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives
Speaker(s) W. Gelke (intermediate presentation of the diploma thesis)
P. Burkhardt (intermediate presentation of the diploma thesis)
Start and end time 09:20 AM - 10:50 AM
Location GOE/321
Helmholtzstraße 9
2. upper floor