Facilities of the Chair of Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems
PC workplaces
We offer our students modern computer workstations equipped with all important software licenses for productive work on student research projects and theses.
Rapid Prototyping
For the rapid production of housings, spare parts, mechanical components and prototypes, we offer our students the use of a powerful 3D scanner and various 3D printers that can create ready-to-use assemblies in a matter of hours.
Willkomm studio
The Chair of Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems has a soundproofed studio with high-quality audio technology available for undisturbed sound recordings.
Historical acoustic-phonetic collection (HAPS)
Within the historical holdings of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology there is an acoustic-phonetic collection documenting the development of speech technology. It also includes a collection of historical phonetic devices originating from a wide variety of phonetic institutes and rehabilitation facilities from all over Germany.