Professur Automatisierungstechnik
An der Professur für Automatisierungstechnik werden unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. techn. Klaus Janschek die Forschungsschwerpunkte Robotik, Mechatronik, Systementwurf und Industrielle Automatisierung bearbeitet.
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Research Profile
- Research Area - SYSTEMS DESIGN: The research area Systems Design deals with questions of model-based design of heterogeneous complex technical systems for automation, robotics and mechatronics. The aim is the derivation of reliable metrics for performance and behavioral properties at early stage of development on the basis of abstract system models. The current work focuses on the modeling, analysis and verification of dependability properties (RAMS - Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) using state-of-the art system models (UML-SysML, AADL, Matlab/Simulink).
Research Area - ROBOTICS: The research area Robotics comprises the development of minimum-effort concepts and solutions for Guidance-Navigation-Control of autonomous vehicles (aerial and space vehicles, service robots), development of control algorithms and system concepts for aerial manipulation with drones and the system design of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test benches for the ground verification of spacecraft docking dynamics.
Research Area - MECHATRONICS: The research area Mechatronics focuses on the development of optomechatronics system solutions and technologies. The research and development activities are spanning from the control of MEMS micromirrors and wavefront shaping, to the development of high-performance and compact optical Fourier processors and optical correlators and their usage in smart imaging systems for remote sensing and visual navigation, as well as optical measurement systems for industrial visual inspection systems.
Research Area - INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION: The research area of Industrial Automation focuses on the application of innovative information technologies e.g. model-driven and communication technologies, their challenges and risks for automation solutions. The goals are the conception and design of formal models and languages for a systematic and consistent design of automation systems to support essential use cases in the life cycle of automation systems such as Plug&Produce or Continuous Engineering. One application field is the development of sub models for Human-Machine Interface fragments for a self-description within Industrie 4.0 components following industrial requirement definitions. Another field is the conception and development of novel multimodal user interfaces to intelligently network people and remote product surfaces using internet and telecommunication technologies (Web, XML, Web services, 5G technologies).