Leon Urbas

Head of Chair PCS and Group PSE
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Leon Urbas
Head of the P2O-Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 01 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden
S/MIME (X509): CA der TU Dresden
Fingerprint(SHA1): 1A 74 BA E6 6A 82 27 AC 42 CC 59 B4 9E 10 14 CD 0F CE 82 BD
Research Interests
- Engineering of distributed safety-critical systems, in particular function integration, model-driven engineering and modularization
- Information models of the process industry, process information and management systems and middleware in automation engineering
- Usability of multimodal and mobile interfaces in automation systems
- Analysis, design and evaluation of alerting and support systems
- Methods of user modeling for prospective design of human-technology interaction
Short Biography
1988 - 1993 | Study of information technology in mechanical engineering, TU Berlin |
1993 - 1997 | Research associate at the institute of Process and Plant Engineering, Prof. Wozny, TU Berlin |
1998 - 2000 | Topic and project responsibility in the field of automation technology at degussa AG, Hanau/Köln/Dortmund |
2000 - 2006 | Junior Research Group Leader "Bedienermodellierung in dynamischen Mensch-Maschine-Systemen", TU Berlin (Volkswagen Stiftung) |
2004 - 2006 | Speaker Graduiertenkolleg "Prospektive Gestaltung der Mensch-Technik-Interaktion", TU Berlin (DFG) |
2004 - 2006 | Speaker Zentrum Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, TU Berlin |
seit 11/2006 | Holder of the chair of Process Control Systems, TU Dresden |
1999 | Doctorate "Operatortraining im Internet" with Prof. Wozny |
2006 | Habilitation "Mensch-Technik-Interaktion", Fak. 5, TU-Berlin |
- 2006-2012: Deputy speaker AK "MMI in sicherheitskritischen Systemen" (GI)
- 2007-: Speaker FA 5.16 "Middleware in der Automatisierungstechnik" (GMA)
- 2010-: Advisory board member FG "Prozess-, Apparate und Anlagentechnik" (processNet)
- 2011-2018: Editor-in-Chief atp edition
Technical University Dresden
- 2014-: Dean of Information Systems Engineering
- 2010-2014: Director of Studies "Automatisierungs- Mess-, und Regelungstechnik"
- DV Comission
- Advisory Board ZIH
Scientific Conferences and Symposia
- GMA Fachtagung useware 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (VDI-Wissensforum)
- processNet/NAMUR Symposium Integrierte Digitale Anlagenplanung und Prozessführung (IDA) 2011, 2013, 2016
Further information on our publications page