KRR Reading Group (SS 2020)
We meet once a week for 2 lecture hours and discuss together the book Machine Ethics by Luís Moniz Pereira and António Barata Lopes as well as possibly further literature, with the participants taking turns in leading the discussion. The 2 practice hours are intended for independent reading and comprehension. The aim is that all participants have read and understood the book and, if necessary, further literature, have developed their own point of view on Machine Ethics and are able to justify and defend it.
We meet on Mondays 4th DS (13:00 until 14:30) in room E05 in APB. The course will be held in English.
The course is assigned to the modules INF-PM-FOR, INF-VERT2, MCL-KR and MCL-PI.
Participants interested in the courses must register. Please send an email with your data (surname, first name, email address, course of study) and the subject REGISTRATION ETHICS to
The book mentioned above is available here as a password-protected PDF. The password will be given to participants after registration.
Here are the bibliographic data of the book:
Pereira, L. M., & Lopes, A. B. (2020). Machine Ethics — From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Episemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE). Volume 53, Springer
- Reading assignment until April 20: up to and including page 24