Laborkurs "Modeling and Automated Verification"
Prof. Christel Baier
SWS: (0/2/0) in English
This lab course is intended for students in the Master's program “Computational Logic” and “Computational Modeling and Simulation” . It affords the opportunity to participate in theoretical as well as applied state-of-the-art research projects. Most problems addressed in this course are closely related to or a part of current research projects of our workgroup. See for example:
Within these projects, tasks in various areas arise, which include:
- Symbolic methods in model checking
- Explicit model-checking techniques
- Reduction techniques
- Omega-automata (probabilistic)
- Numerical solution methods
- Logics
- Specification formalisms
- Abstraction techniques
- Case studies
Enrolling via OPAL is required until 18.04.2021.
- Solid foundations in algorithms and data structures, complexity theory, automata theory and formal languages
- Basic mathematical foundations
- Programming skills in C/C++ or Java
The following rules need to be followed in order to assure a successful participation:
Written Part
- There will be an initial event at the beginning of November 2020, where some different topics will be presented.
- Every participant will be assigned to a topic. The aim of this course is to work autonomously on a topic and to give a presentation on the findings. A date for this presentation will be fixed at the initial event for every participant.
- A tutor is assigned to every participant during the initial meeting.
- The developed code has to be commented properly and has to be described in a PDF document.
- The concluding presentation should not exceed 30 minutes.
Awarding of Credit Points
The Credit Points will be awarded if all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
- Every deadline was kept.
- The source code is commented and documented properly.
- The presentation of the own results was acceptable.
- The presentations of the other participants were attended.
All participants will be notified about the initital meeting. This meeting will take the form of a video conference.
Further dates and proceedings will be arranged depending on the current developments of the corona crisis. The same holds for meetings with the tutor.
Master Computational Logic
- MCL-PS: Skills
Master Computational Modeling and Simulation
- CMS-LM-MOC: Models of Computation
- CMS-LM-ADV: Advanced Logical Modeling
Dr. Sascha Klüppelholz
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