Advanced Logics
Prof. Dr. Christel Baier
SWS: (4/2/0), in English
The purpose of this course is to study several extensions of classical propositional, first-order and second-order logic. We will concentrate on aspects of mathematical logic that are relevant for computer science, such as expressiveness, game-theoretic characterizations, deductive calculi, decision and transformation algorithms and computational complexity.
Registration via OPAL is required until April 06, 2023.
Lecture | Thursday and Friday | [09:20 am – 10:50 am] |
Tutorial | Thursday | [11:10 am – 12:40 pm] |
The first lecture will be on Thursday, April 06, 2023. The first tutorial will be on Thursday, April 13, 2023.
For the course, basic knowledge on algorithms, complexity theory, automata theory and logic is presumed.
Bachelor Informatik
Master Informatik
Master Computational Logic
- MCL-AL: Advanced Logic
Diplom Informatik
Diplom Informatik (DPO 2004)
- INF-04-FG-IS: Fachgebiet Intelligente Systeme
- INF-04-FG-TP: Fachgebiet Theorie der Programmierung
Master Computational Modeling and Simulation
- CMS-LM-MOC: Models of Computation
- CMS-LM-ADV: Advanced Logical Modeling
Dr. Sascha Klüppelholz
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