Komplexpraktikum “Modeling and Quantitative System Analysis II”
Prof. Dr. Christel Baier
SWS: (0/0/8), in German or English
The course is intended for students enrolled in the Master or Diplom programs Informatik (computer science) as well as for those enrolled in the Diplom program Informationssystemtechnik (information systems engineering). The Komplexpraktikum “Modeling and Quantitative System Analysis II” allows students to analyse and work on practical projects relevant in current research. Some topics are taken from current projects of the group. The following links give more information on these projects:
Potential topics include:
- Symbolic methods in model checking
- Explicit model checking
- Reduction techniques
- Automata over finite and infinite words
- Numerical methods for quantitative analysis
- Logics
- Specification formalisms
- Abstraction techniques
- Case studies
Enrolling via OPAL is required until October 21, 2024.
In addition to an interest in theoretical computer science, the project requires solid knowledge of model checking and programming. Experience in C/C++ or Java is helpful, but not required.
All enrolled participants will be notified about the initial meeting by e-mail. The specific dates will be announced later.
Exam and Creditability
Master Informatik
- INF-MA-PR: Forschung und Entwicklung in der Informatik (exam according to module description)
Dr. Sascha Klüppelholz
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