Taschenbuch der Informatik, 4. neu bearbeitete Auflage 2001, ISBN-10: 3-446-40754-5, ISBN-13: 978-3-446-40754-1, S. 63--88, Computerinterne Informationsdarstellung
Schneider, U.; Werner, D. (Hrsg.), Spallek, R. G., Kärger, V.
Reconfigurability in Embedded Microprocessors: A Prototyping Study
S. Sawitzki, S. Köhler, R.G. Spallek, Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA'2001, Monterey, California, USA, 2001, S.228 Dynamische Rekonfiguration von Verarbeitungseinheiten in VLIW DSPs
S. Köhler, R.G.Spallek, 10. Workshop Entwurf Integrierter Schaltungen, E.I.S.,Dresden, Germany, 2001, in : ITG-Fachbericht 164, VDE Verlag Berlin Offenbach, S. 105-110
Power Efficient Application-Specific VLIW Processor for Turbo Decoding
M. Bekooij, J. Dielissen, F. Harmsze, S. Sawitzki, A. van der Werf, J.van Meerbergen, Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'2001), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001
Power Efficient Layered Turbo Decoder Implementation
J. Dielissen, J. van Meerbergen, M. Bekooij, F. Harmsze, S. Sawitzki, J. Huisken, A. van der Werf Proceedings of the Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'2001), 2001
Prototyping Framework for Reconfigurable Processors
S. Sawitzki, R.G. Spallek, S. Köhler, International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'2001, Belfast, Ireland, U.K.) in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bd. 2147, S. 6-16, Springer-Verlag, Berlin u.a., 2001
Reconfigurable Architectures and Compilation Techniques for Exploration of Application Parallelism
J. Braunes, S. Köhler, S. Sawitzki, R.G. Spallek, S. Jähnichen und X. Zhou (Editoren), Forth International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (APPT'01, Ilmenau, Germany), S. 242-247, 2001
IP Retrieval by Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
M. Koegst, J. Schneider (FhG Dresden), R. Bergmann, I. Vollrath, By Ralf Seepold and Natividad Martinez Madrid (Editoren), Virtual Components Design and Reuse, 2001
Untersuchungen zum wiederverwendungsgerechten Entwurf rekonfigurierbarer SoC-Systeme
J. Schneider, St. Rülke, Report: SFB 358-B1-1/01, 2001
SOC Integration of Digital Audio Applications Using Protocol Compiler and Atmel FPSLIC
K. Feske, S. Mulka, J. Schneider, G. Heinriche, ASIC/SOC Conference - System-on-Chip in a Networked World, September 12-15, 2001, Washington, USA
Multi-level hierarchical analogue fault simulation with aFSIM
B. Straube (FhG Dresden), W. Vermeiren, H. Albustani, V. Spenke, 7th IEEE International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop, Atlanta, USA, June 13-15, 2001
Symbolic index calculation for linear circuits
B. Straube (FhG Dresden), C. Clauß, P. Schwarz, W. Vermeiren, MCMDS-Special Issue on DAE's, 2001