Types of Studies and Study Degrees
Die Fakultät Maschinenwesen bietet eine Vielzahl an Studienarten und -abschlüssen an und garantiert dir damit ein auf dich zurechtgeschnittenes Studium: Die nebenstehende Grafik zeigt einen Vergleich aller Abschlüsse.
In all of Germany, the TU Dresden is one of only a few universities that offers a diploma meaning here you can become a “real” graduate engineer.
At present, the courses “Mechanical Engineering”, “Process and Natural Product Engineering”, “Material Engineering”, and “Renewable Energy Systems” are offered as a Diploma course which lasts 10 semesters.
The studies consist of main basic studies for four semesters and ensuing main studies for 6 semesters. The mark of the diploma consists only of marks of the main studies.
We recommend every prospective student to prefer the Diploma to the Bachelor!
The courses “Mechanical Engineering”, “Process and Natural Product Engineering”, and “Material Engineering” offer the diploma degree as well as the bachelor degree lasting 6 semesters.
Pay attention if you are thinking about passing the Bachelor degree:
Your overall grade consists of all grades you will get along those six semesters. In contrast to the diploma where not all grades of the first four semesters are a part of the overall one, they are very important for the Bachelor overall grade. The exams are the same as for the students of the Diploma degree.
Weiterhin gibt es an der TU Dresden bis weilen keine weiterführenden Masterstudiengänge, die auf die Bachelorabschlüsse aufbauen könnten. Ein Wechsel an eine andere Universität oder ein Aufbaustudium wären also zwingend nötig.
Finally, be advised that some Master courses require a Bachelor degree of seven semesters.
Currently, the study course “Processing and Textile Engineering” is offered as a Master course lasting four semesters.
This one is especially adapted to foreign students.
Postgraduate Diploma
Recently, the study courses “Mechanical Engineering” as well as “Process and Natural Product Engineering” is offered as a postgraduate diploma course lasting 5 semesters.
These courses are an alternative to the Master courses and can be studied as a postgraduate Diploma course lasting 5 semesters. You receive the same degree as a “normal” student of the Diploma course.
In these study courses your knowledge of the Bachelor will be deepened. On top of that, it is possible to adapt the pre-knowledge to a new field of interests due to the longer experience in studying.
For the most part, the procedure of studying is freely choosable and you can follow your own demands and interests. There is a big choice of many different areas of specialisation and modules.
Correspondence Course
Recently, the study course “Mechanical Engineering” is offered as a correspondence course for a Diploma, Bachelor as well as Postgraduate Studies degree.
These study courses give you the possibility to study while working on your already fully trained job.
Therefore, the standard period of study is doubled, except for the postgraduate course.
You coordinate you own procedure of studying from home. But there are also appointments where you have to be at university.
Moreover, students doing a correspondence course get purpose-built lecture notes with further and detailed information.
Part-Time Studies
Currently, all postgraduate and correspondence courses can be studied as part-time studies.
You can profit from this offer due to family or health reasons.
In this course the standard period of study as well as the exam deadline is doubled, but, you can only take 50% of the allowed test performance for one semester.