How do I register myself for university?
After your graduation from school, you have a lot of possibilities to do with your life. Which possibility will you take?
If you read this article, then you obviously began your research and already came to some decisions, for example you decided for yourself to come to Dresden (which is a very good decision 😊 Dresden and its surrounding is wonderful! any way) and study at the faculty of “Mechanical Engineering” at the TU Dresden (that is also a good decision if you are interested in technique and also motivated to succeed at same difficult classes like Maths and Electrical Engineering).
Here, you have an offer of various study courses: “Mechanical Engineering”, “Material Engineering”, “Process and Natural Products Engineering”, as well as a Master course in “Processing and Textile Engineering” (therefore, you need a Bachelor degree). In the Study Courses Information System (SINS) you find further information about the study courses.
With the help of the pictured settings, you can get to the different degrees. In all our study courses, you have the opportunity to pass a Bachelor degree (6 semesters) or a Diploma (10 semesters). But before enrolling for a study course, you should think about the degree you want to pass. A change after the enrolment is very difficult, so read our signpost about the different degrees very well. Lies deshalb am besten auch in unserem Wegweiser bezüglich Bachelor und Diplom noch einmal nach. Another important fact to know is that you do not need a numerus clausus, no matter which degree you choose.
To enrol at the university, you just have to follow the instructions in the registration form online:
After having filled out the registration form, you are redirected to the portal of applicants.
There, you create as described your user account.
After having received your password, you can login and enrol yourself.
In the end, you send the letter with all the demanded documents. After that, you have to wait a while until you get mail from the matriculation office. Now, you are officially enrolled and you can start to study. Besides, you should mark one important appointment at the beginning of the semester red in your agenda: the registration into the seminar groups. This registration is obligatory and takes part one week before the lectures start. If you are not able to come, you still have the possibility to register yourself at the examination office of the faculty MW(ZEU/214). Kontaktiere hierzu am besten Frau Friedrich.