Nov 11, 2022
The Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group as a networker
The Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group as a networker
In the context of our fourth Boysen-TUD Research Training Group generation "Hydrogen", we plan to forge a strategic alliance with the H2UB. The aim is to foster the type of collaboration that will benefit scholarship holders in particular. Already during the application phase, this alliance should also serve to motivate applicants for our doctoral projects. We will pursue the following goals together:
Short-term goals: Procurement of data / expert interviews for research projects; Procurement of contacts within industry through trade fair visits and presence at the H2UB booth as well as mutual impulses at the interface of the PhD projects and start-up companies.
Medium-term goals: Support for possible spin-offs after completion of the doctorate; review of the practical relevance of research topics and sharpening of topics as well as identification of needs and research gaps through close contact with industry
Long-term goals: To crystallize relevant research topics for industry and society as well as to match current challenges for the respective research topics
Introducing H2UB
Our goals: H2UB is the first pan-European platform for hydrogen start-ups and innovation. Our goal is to take start-ups, whether in their early or growth stages, to the next level and foster their development. In this way, we aim to promote hydrogen innovation and the development of the European hydrogen economy. For this purpose, we bring together start-ups and future founders with companies, venture capitalists/financing partners as well as research institutes and universities to support the growth and strengthening of the start-up scene along the entire hydrogen value chain in Europe. H2UB is based in Essen, the energy capital of Europe. Our main shareholders are companies from the industry, energy, and energy consulting sectors, the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Economics, and research institutes focusing on hydrogen.
What H2UB offers: As a matchmaker and ecosystem builder, we use digital and physical events and formats to bring together the various market participants in the European H2 industry, supporting cooperation and collaboration. Furthermore, we act as a single point of contact and ambassador for hydrogen startups within interactions with political institutions. As a think tank, we provide impulses and insights for expert discussions on the further development of the hydrogen market.
Tailored support and accelerator programs for founders and startups in both early and late stages form the core of the H2UB portfolio: In our 3-week bootcamp, we support early-stage founders in validating their business model and teach them basic entrepreneurial skills. In our 10-week Hydrogen SPRINT program, we help later-stage startups improve their product/prototype and product-market fit, and develop a sales strategy to attract the next customer or investor. For this, startups get individual and tailored access to business coaching and high-level industry experts from our network to work on their biggest challenges. Our teams come from all over Europe, most of them being spin-offs from companies or universities themselves.
Contacts: Moritz Glettenberg; Ecosystem Manager H2UB / Viktor Kern; Customer Success Manager H2UB
In the coming days, a more detailed picture of this strategic alliance will be communicated. Essential information and updates regarding this cooperation will be communicated in News posts on our website.